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Celebrating Black History Month

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Black History Month is an annual celebration of the achievements and contributions that black people have made to society. It has been celebrated in the UK since 1987, and this year's theme is 'Saluting Our Sisters', which recognises the vital role that black women have played in history, inspiring change, and building communities. Every October gives us a great opportunity to learn more about black history and appreciate its significance in today's society.


Fostering is an incredibly important and rewarding role, yet there is an ongoing need for more foster carers from diverse cultures. Foster carers provide a safe and supportive home for children and young people who may have experienced disruption, abuse, and trauma. Having access to foster carers from diverse backgrounds offers young people the opportunity to develop a sense of identity, belonging, and acceptance. Fostering can also help to break down barriers of misunderstanding and mistrust between communities. It is therefore vital that we continue to promote, recruit and support foster carers from all backgrounds. According to Welsh Government statistics, on 31st March 2022 there were 700 children looked after who were of ethnic minority backgrounds across Wales, this accounts for roughly 10% of children looked after.


Research from Community Care Inform and the British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) found that placing Black children in Black families can help them develop a positive sense of identity and self-esteem. This is because these children are surrounded by people who look like them and share similar experiences. They can also benefit from role models and mentors who understand their unique needs. This helps them form a strong sense of belonging and acceptance.


Fostering is not just about providing a place to stay. It's about building a strong foundation for a brighter future for every child and young person in care. It means providing a safe and nurturing environment, where children and young people can feel secure, valued, and supported. It means helping them develop the skills and knowledge needed to reach their full potential. It means being an advocate and mentor, providing guidance and direction. Fostering is about giving children and young people the best possible chance to thrive.


If you are a member of the BAME community and have any questions about fostering, we would love to hear from you. We need more people from different cultures to come forward and help provide loving homes for some of the most vulnerable children across Wales. Calon Cymru foster carers are given comprehensive support and an abundance of training. Together we can improve futures.




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Date published

23 October 2023

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